Jumat, 15 Mei 2020



Cholil Hasan was born in Jakarta on 7 October 1952, He is my uncle, the oldest sons on our family. He have 5 siblings and one of them are my mom(2nd child).He married in 1980 with Farida Hasan, and are gifted with 3 children. Their name is Farrah Khalidah,Ina Khalidah, and Amanda Noor Khalida. Cholil Hasan had a Bachelor and Master degree.he got his Bachelor in University Indonesia and Master degree in University of Winconsin – Madison USA. He is the most succesful children among our family. He started his career on USA as IT staff but then soon he work so hard  and then he got his first good career as General Manger Bank Bumi Daya New York,USA (1998-1999).

After 1 year finished his master and got plenty of experienced as General Manager in USA, he go back to Indonesia to build his career on Indonesia.not needed a lot of time he got a job offer as Senior Vice President Bank Mandiri Head Office (1999-2002).He also was officiated as Vice Chairman Bank Mandiri Europe Ltd London (1999-2002).After his 3 years served with Bank mandiri he was worked as Chief Commissioner of Semen Gresik Pension Fund(2002-2011).and last he was a Chief Development and Planning Program PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (2011-2012).

After the retirement, he is just a freelance councellor. And tried his own business like chicken distributor and isp distributor. But none of his business run like he was expected. So he created local etnic community(Betawi) with his friends with the mission to help economic growth to local community. On the other hand, he is a good uncle and father. He is often to help family when someone need his help. And now he have 6 Grandchilds from his childrens.He is very dear to his Granchilds that he granted them Scholarship until university.

His Activity nowadays is just open charity and help distributed them with his friends, he is the helper(or I could call it investor) of Islamic school on bogor(Pesantren). His contribution is really helpul since before he jumped to help that Islamic shool that school is have less Facility. Now he just focus to educate new era to make children smarter for Indonesia.